B.Sc.(Hons.) OBU

Your first Degree of Success

ACCA and Oxford Brookes University have worked together to develop a BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting, which is available exclusively to ACCA students who wish to obtain a degree while studying towards the ACCA Qualification. There are lots of benefits to completing the degree, the main one being a degree and a professional accounting qualification are a powerful combination of qualifications to have, putting you in demand with employers and increasing your career prospects.

To be awarded the Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting you must:

  1. Be registered with Oxford Brookes University ie have opted-in to the BSc degree scheme.
  2. Hold a recognised English language qualification certificate and transcript (if applicable), which must be submitted and approved by ACCA, before passing F7, F8 and F9.
  3. Pass the three ACCA Fundamentals papers F7, F8 and F9 and successfully complete all nine Fundamentals level papers.
  4. Complete the ACCA Professional Ethics module according to the Research and Analysis Project submission dates.
  5. Complete and pass the Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project.

The degree must be completed within 10 years of your initial registration onto ACCA’s professional qualification otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn.

Mentoring Services

You must identify a project mentor who will provide you with guidance during your project and authenticate your work. You are also required to give a short presentation to your project mentor to fulfill the requirements of the Skill and Learning Statement. CAPS provides guidance for the preparation of Research and Analysis Project. The classes are specially designed for students willing to seek a comprehensive guideline on how to choose a topic and how to go about in the research thesis. CAPS has experienced and qualified mentors who will provide their expertise for the successful accomplishment of OBU thesis.

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